This is Bullshit!!
Just because we are younger than the adults doesn't mean that we shouldn't be alowed to have a say in things!
If the adults think that we will just sit by and inherrit a dead Earth like the good little children they believe we should be, then their wrong!!!!!
I'm not just gonna stand back and let them destroy the Earth.
I will do what it takes to save the Earth, starting with my blog, because earth's not just for them...
where do they expect us to live in the future if the World dies! Hey!
I don't know about any of you but i want to be able to live the rest of my life with plants, rivers, and a beautiful world where our genaration and many more will be able to live out their lives.

I mean i don't have anything againest adults, don't get me wrong, i know that i'd be nowhere without the people/my family and friends in my life.
But i want to be able to grow up... to live out my life, try and acheeve my goal, and hey maybe even one day have children of my own...
I say that if one kid can have the corage to type what i've just typed then there is nothing 100 kids can't do, as long as we make up our minds to do it!
Go KIDS!!!!