Though I can't take credit for what other people do (unless I'm the one who infulenced them into doing it and even then it was their choice), I can take credit for my own actions, wether (if you believe in heaven, hell and the rest) it means that my actions take me into iternal torture and pain, then I would because I made those decisions and it was my fault...
It's time people stood up and took fault for their actions or even tried to fix their's and past generations mistakes...One of US can make a difference even if it's a small one it's still a difference...
Ten of US can make an even bigger difference...There are over 6676871265 and counting, people in the world...if one of US can make a difference can you even imagin the difference 6676871265 and rising amount of people can make..?

Every second it took for you to read that a new child was being born, EVERY SECOND...
I believe: we can all make a difference wether anyone wants to admit it or not...
you realize you are making a bigger difference every time a person reads this blog, right? you are an inspiration! this was a well written post! And I love your blog!
come check outmy blog!
its new and pretty cool,
but come check it out!
will come check out your blog
I COMPLETELY agree 100% you are just like me,... I will do ANYTHING to help save this world whether thats legal or not. I think that we should rally gainst the corporations that are destroying our worlds!
To hear my prospective than go to my blog at
and look at the max ride posts as well as OUR WORLD post.
I want our world to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that us kids can do the most damage to these corporations because we know tha the adults aren't going to do anything!
-Wolf Boy
p.s. Comment me back so that we can chat together.;D
will do
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