Why shouldn't we consider killing animals murdering them, like we do when it comes to humans?
Every day polar bears are dying due to us causing global warming, which melts the ice-burgs, which means every summer they are having to swim even further than they used to and some ice-burgs are so far away that the polar bear swims and swims until it grows so tired it can't even keep it's head above the water and so it drowns... i don't think i could even imagin what it goes through knowing that it's life is coming to an end, but being to tired to even be able to do anything to stop it's enevertible death...
There once used to be many, many tigers but now their population number is down to the thousands or hundreds, while we're sitting pretty in the 6 billions...It is belived in japan or somewhere else that the dust of tiger bones is a cure of certain deseases, whatever desease that might be i do not know...But i do know that one day these rare and exotic creatures will be extinct..!
Don't you think future genarations should be given the chance to see these amazing beasts in their natural habitat not in some museum, where they have their skeletons on desplay?!!
Actualy, NO! These amazing creature should be able to live their lives for the soul perpose of living their lives! We shouldn't need a reason to let these animals live!
There are hundreds that haven't been metioned here...
EVERY ANIMAL DESERVES A LIFE, but we act like their GOD and take their lives from them without a second thought.
poor little polar bears, they are so cute, but so endangered!
they are cute and endangered...
wish ppl would stop hurting them
07/07/2007 is International Hugs day. You have been selected for: "Hug a friend in Blogland" so here is your *Hug* from me to you. Have a wonderfull day...please copy and paste me and forward this message to someone with whom you havent yet met in Blogland first and then send to someone you do know and then you can basically just give as many ppl as you like hugs on their blogs or just a hug. Have a wonderfull day!
*Hug* back
have a great day
aww I love wild animals! I'm so sad that many animals are now endangered *tear*
yh me to
wish people would stop killing them!
That polar bear one got to me.
I think that there isn't a really good reason to be killing all these creatures, for what? So a person can look good in its skin for like a month?
I don't think that's a good enough reason.
BTW that was a really cool post!!
: D
hi Ink!
thx for the visit
i know what you mean, there is just no excuse for killing such beautiful creatures!
i hope 1 day i will be able to go out and see these amazing beasts in their natural habitat...
and thx this is my passion
I never really thought that it was okay to do that to animals. Its pointless.
I saw this shirt once and it said "Beautiful furs are for beautiful animals, not beautiful people."
I just thought that was really cool.
heres a hug back :)
07/07/2007 is International Hugs day. You have been selected for: "Hug a friend in Blogland" so here is your *Hug* from me to you. Have a wonderfull day...please copy and paste me and forward this message to someone with whom you havent yet met in Blogland first and then send to someone you do know and then you can basically just give as many ppl as you like hugs on their blogs or just a hug. Have a wonderfull day!
OMG!!! I know! We humans are cruel creatures! Polar bears eat seals to accumalate blubber. There is a shark that is as small as your palm but one bite can kill you. It is also endangered. It is so sad that us human beings are killing so many animals for our own gain. I wish this will all stop. Hugs for you too!!!
Max Ride Fan 13
it is never roght to be killing such beautiful things...
where can i find a shirt like that it sounds really cool..?
hi Aka Red
aaaw thx
Max Ride Fan 13
that is well said...
thx for the hugs
here have some too
I was in florida a couple years ago, and there was this animal show, the people who were hosting it were wearing them.
I don't know where you could find one...
Geez!!!!!! I just wish that everyone would leave the animals alone!!!!!!!!
hi Ink
will keep an eye open for one
you've been to florida..?
what was it like?
i've never been there...
hi Just another face in the crowd
me to
Hey wings, here is the link so you can get a poll on your blog ^_^
Thanks for visiting my blog :D
Hey the link didn't turn out right here is another one: http://www.vizu.com/index.html
I will totally!!
I've been there once, its really nice. I went to Disney (I'm a huge Disney fan so that was great!), and all those yummy places.
hi Just another face in the crowd
thx for the link
will try getting a poll
thx again
you've been to Disney?
what was it like?
No problem wings :D
The polar bear (Ursus maritimus), a bear native to the Arctic, is the apex predator within its range. Its thick blubber and fur insulate it against the cold. Its fur is hollow and translucent but usually appears as white or cream coloured, thus providing the animal with effective camouflage. Its skin is actually black in color, however. The bear has a short tail and small ears that help reduce heat loss, as well as a relatively small head and long, tapered body to streamline it for swimming. The polar bear is a semi-aquatic marine mammal that depends mainly upon the pack ice and the marine food web for survival. It has adapted for life on a combination of land, sea, and ice.
Scientists and climatologists believe that the projected decreases in the polar sea ice due to global warming will have a significant negative impact on of this species within this century.
I copied and pasted that from wikipedia. Poor polar bears. They deserve to live as much as we do, but we kill them to get land or their fur. We kill Tigers for their medicinal value(ever heard of Tiger Balm?) and for their skin. We chop down trees to get the land that they grow on and in the end we will lose as there won't be any atmosphere and we will die. This is sorta like karma, we kill other things, something else will eventually kill us like we killed the trees/animals. Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you. A saying I learned when I was 5. If we stop chopping down so many trees and killing animals, the world be a much better place
Max Ride Fan 13
OMG That is a very long comment. :P Very sorry for taking up so much space
Max Ride Fan 13
Just another face in the crowd
that is so intresting and sad :(
so true...
that saying is wise and true...
we will eventualy die off if we continue to kill mother earth and all her children...
it doesn't matter wether the tigers have a medicinal value or not we shouldn't kill them they are more beautiful the way they are than the way they look in a medicin bottle...
And don't we have enough land already?
i mean if every person on the world stood side by side we would take up 3/3rds of the world... that is a lot of land!
it is a long comment but also true and that's what matters...
Its superly great! I LOVED Animal Kingdom! If you ever go there then skip Sea World and go there!!!
You should totally go!
Wings :D
thx for the advise
About the meaning of lifehthing:
If the menaing of lifeis just to die then whats the point. If the meaning of live is to live then what is life?Pointless nonsense supplied by suicidalstickman
Oh yeah and about the animals thing yes animals die and it's wrong (most of the time ( mmm cow/pig/pig-cow thing)) but don't get too carried away... yet.
Oh yeah and about the animals thing yes animals die and it's wrong (most of the time ( mmm cow/pig/pig-cow thing)) but don't get too carried away... yet.
oh yeah and about the max*ride*4*ev national hugs day. thats in my school planner!
there is always truth in opinions...
and i'm not getting carried away... yet
really it's in your planner..?
and by the way it isn't max*ride*4*ev national hug thing
i started it because i got the idea from another blog site where another of my blogs are and it's international hugs day not national hugs day...
My dog is a he and I hate my sis! The second is totally unrandom.^_^
and i see the second one is totally random...
I posted some pics on my blog! Hope you check them out!
Max Ride Fan 13
THey are omnivores too. I read up on them on wikipedia. THe website is very informative. en.wikipedia.org
already have checked them out....
yeah i learned that they're omnivores on Animal Planet
Their fur moults from white in winter to brown to summer. This hepls them to camouflage.
Woa never knew that!
that's intresting
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