Well we don't have those problems (unless you're short sighted, colour blind or just plain blind)... But anyway, most of us can see for miles around and all the colours...
I don't know what you guys believe, but I believe that we get what we need to survive, and I’m talking about us not our fancy cars, or big/small houses and whatever else there is..., I'm talking about US...
We were given or evolved the ability to see the way we see...
We are able to see the beauty in the world but we just don't seem to really look at it, instead we destroy it!
I'm not talking about the beauty you can take a picture of...
True beauty has to be seen through YOUR eyes...

The true beauty I’m talking about can not be captured in film and it shouldn't be!
This amazing beauty should be able to run wild across/through the Earth and should be seen by all eyes!
We are able to see it in and around everyone and everything!
But we never look at it!
And that is truly sad!
We can each see beauty, and each in our own way!
So why do we destroy it instead of looking at it?
Are we afraid that when we finally see this beauty that we'll be disappointed with what it is we see?
Or is it as simple as we just don't want to see it?
There are some that can see this beauty, but now the question is how do we save it?
There are so many problems...
Where do we start?!

Please... Please...
Share your thoughts don't hold anything back...
you won't be judged unfairly on your opinion...
because it's what you think, everybody has an opinion, and there is always truth in an opinion!
I will not judge you wrongly by your comment and neither should anyone else!
Because it's your opinion(s) and you have a right to say it/them!
Your right but, adults and liters, and thugs and creep and world leaders don't read your blog. Nice BLUE sun.
we should have a blog that says "all adults, liters, world leaders, thugs, and creeps, read this blog before ou do anything else"
That Sun is taken in some sort of effect right? I forgot what it is called. We all have our good and bad side. It is definitely easier being bad, and that's why so many people are killing and fighting and doing all the stuff they shouldn't do. Everyone has a purpose in life, but not all people see that. Most people strive for the best, while others want to be lazy and lie around, doing nothing. Lazy people are like pigs, and pigs get eaten. I won't say we are more superior than other beings, cos we're not. Dogs, wolves, cats and quite a few other animals have very acute sense of hearing and smell. They can hear and smell things from miles away, but we can't. Birds can fly naturally, but we can't. There are so many species that can do things we can't, yet we think we are more superior. Maybe it's cos we can speak openly and cos we have evolved so much, but other aniimals do communicate too! Dogs bark, and some send signals through sound waves. We all are special, and we need to work together in harmony to survive.
I'm with you Wings!!! I totally get what you are saying... its like... I don't want my kids to get the beauty of the world out of a picture or a movie about when the world was beautiful. I want them to see it for themselves.
Not through another persons eyes.
not everyone can c the true beauty, cuz they don't kno wat they're looking for. but u shouldnt have to look. it's just there. u c it, or u don't.
so true.
i also like it...
Yeah that's a great idea!
Max Ride Fan 13
i have never heard truer words than the ones you just typed!
that is exactly what they should get the chance to do!
Angelic chica
also true words..
Hey Wings,
Just wanted to let you know, I posted again today. Or yesterday if you get this tomorrow. I think lith, that mainly writes We Are the Specials, is so talented. Just like you. I hope you write more in your three blogs, too. Be sure to say a hello to Lillix every now and then!
Jamie Besont!
will do!
may i tell everyone that i no wings as a person and she is just as dep and mysterious as she seems here. she is a fab person and my home-girl whether she likes it or not lol.
wings is gorgeous and has a an equally gorgeous name as it is the same as mine.
lots of loveto anybody who wants it (soak up the goodness of the love lol)
i also like to say that right now shaded from wot im saying wings is randomly meditating lol
nice to cyber-meet u xxxxx
by cyber meeting u i mean everyone else apart from wings as she haunts me wherever i go
she just shouted thanks im not a ghost i dont haunt lol
shes bonker
yeah we have the same name
it get's really cofusing...
i'm not bonkers, nor a gost and i was only medataiting cause i was bored...
I know!!
i know what you mean...some days i will be sitting in my car and as i look around me i see how destructive humans are.I get depressed just seeing all the concrete smothering the earth, and to think of the air we're polluting, the trees we're destroying, and the fresh water sources we're diminishing. Most people take for granted what we have been given, and don't care that they're destroying that gift. They seem to care more about money, and power then the world around them. Preserving nature and giving off less pollution should be our first priority not our last, because one day we wont have anything because the earth and everything living on it will be destroyed by us.
i'm a little lost?
what do you know?
i'm confused...
Aka Red!
those are great words!
The whole our children should have a chance to see the true nature of our world and all that...
yeah they should!!
thx for explaining!
thats competely true, I like the pics and I think ur right about nature. u cant capture it.
-wolf boy
exactly what i'm saying
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