last night while i was sitting in bed, when i suddenly noticed my right arm; i just looked at it, and for no reason at all i started to think about it, sometime it's perfectly still, sometime twitchy, sometimes numbe, and sometime it does this spasmy thing where it streches out and then curls into a fist...
the point is that; even though i'm not controling it during those times; it is still busy doing something....
after i thought about that i moved my hand, i wiggled my fingers and then i thought; Wow, i mean i barely have to think about moving my hand to make it move...
then i had a strange thought is it really me controling my hand or is it my brain and if it's my brain; am i really controling it?
because i know i don't have control of my brain; not completely...
so are we really in control of what we do?
and when you laugh are you really the one making that laughter cause it comes out whether or not you want it to; you can muffle it with your hand or bite your lip to try and stop it; but do you really control it?...
i have had many thoughts that were and are to complicated for me to understand; but i won't stop trying to figure them out....