Camping it is great!!!
The fresh air, the wildlife, the mornings when you wake up camping are just the best, and the sunsets!!!!!!! my god the sunsets are the most beautiful thing ever!!!!!!
I love camping!!!
we have the caravan where my nan, her husband and my cousins are staying and then the rest of us are in the trailer tent!!
not to mention the places we can visit!!

Check this is a pic I took last time we went camping, we visited Stone Henge...
to bad they don't let people go up close to the stones, I had to zoom in on them with the camra, wish i could of touched one, we got these info things to carry around it tolds us about Stone Henge and the myths and legonds some of them are really funny XD...
Well we're going camping from this Saturday till text Saturday!!
Will miss you all!!!!!!
Have fuuuuuuun camping!!
: D
am leaving saturday and will be back next Sat...
I'll miss you!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a Founder's Day service today and i was one of the users and i had to put on a blazer and skirt and it was so freaking hot!!!!! I was sweating like crazy!
that sounds uncofortable!
okay, so I was trying to read all your posts, BUT I lost focus, so, I will read later. HAVE FUN CAMPING!!!!!!!!!
♥ Thunder.
Die Welt wirst sterben falls wir ausführen nicht unterziehen anschreiben.
There. I thought you could use some universal verses.
It says "the world will die if we don't take charge." in german
Is that okay?
I can translate most anything into another language. I know most languages.
here are some:
and swedish.
hope I can help!!!!!!!!
Wings, (it's Aesopha, but i'm not logged in yet. . .)
I really hope you have fun. . .what was it?? Camping??? (What is that?!?!) No, I'm j/k. Luna's explaining it to me as I speak. I truly hope you do have fun, though. And take some good pics, too! I wanna see 'em!
Not much more to say now, if there huh? I'll post later on in the week, and you be sure to come back!
Au revoir, mon ami!
Jamie Besont!
Awww! That's a long time! I'll miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look! I got a new avatar!
are u back yet?
have fun!
its a little late now,
but i hope you are having a good time!
how many languages do you know?!
I can only speak one: English...
Camping was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I took loads of pics will post some!
missed you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats a cool avatar!!
I just got back today!
I had a great time!
I MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me all about the trip!!!!
Really! I want to hear all about it!!
i'm glad you had a good time, last time my family went camping; well, it didn't go so well :P the last week has been best all summer, i spent like the whole week with my friend. again, happy your bk and uber happy you had a good time!
I went camping too! We had fun. It was kind of wierd but AWESOME, we saw these wolves, they were HUGE! Like Alomost as tall as me when they were on all fours. And I'm 5'5"! I LOVE wolves and that was a great expierience.
I know at least ten languages including pig latin!
here are some languages with...some things said after them, havent decided yet. By the way, some may be off, Im doing this off the top of my head and I don't know some all to well.
live life with love.
that is what It all says.
portguese:viver existência com amar
I know bulgarian, but I can't type it with this keyboard, so I will downloud something so I can.
Danish(this one was a bit harder):Opholde sig liv hos elske
dutch:resideren hachje tegenover liefde
spanish:viva vida com amor
french:vivo vida con amor(wow, practically the same thing! most are!this is my seond language, lived here most my life)
german:eingeschaltet Leben vor Liehe(very confidant with this one, native language!)
greek: is a hard one too, all symbols, I will try to get the symbols some other time.)
italian:vivo a vita con amore
norwegian:bo livet med elske
swedish:levande liv med älska
and pig latin!: ivelay ifelay ithway ovelay! ha ha
so yes, thats long, sorry, no more extremely long ones!
Yeah i had a great time camping!
wolves are my favorite animals!
ten languages?!
no need to worry bout how long a comment is.
i appreciate all comments!
feel free to express yourself.
I and i hope others; will judge you fairly and try to understand...
that's amazing all those different languages!
how do you know them all?!
i only know English and struggled to learn Africaans!
I wouldn't understand most things said in Africaans!
The vampire and flock is back.Yeah this is Zeke.We missed talking to you and our others friends.If you read our main blog you'll see why we haven't been on.It sucked.And Ziggy got a tattoo.When we find Ramona,I know shes gonna kill him.
Please reply.
~Zeke the vamp
I just saw a lady kiss a rat through her window!
I've traveled the world and those are the places I've lived the longest. I was born in germany and I lived there for 10 years, I learned swedish norwegian a bit bulgarian and dannish and dutch while I was there. I kept learning them as I went.
then I lived in france for a year, learned to speak french, then I moved to Italy and learned italian and greek there. Then we moved to portugal and learned portugese and spanish there, then we moved to the us, Where I finally finished learning english and pig latin!
So yes, that is how I learned all of those.
I love wolves also, I see them almost everywhere, I feel very connected to them. There is a pack of them outside my house.
You can call me Aut, or Thunder, either one!
will check to see where you've been and reply!
what are those places like?!
wait how old are you?
you know more languages than i would in ten life times!!!!!!!
I'm 14 going on 15.
Those places are AMAZING!
I would sugest going to France, BUT all the people just let their yappy little poodles take a sit down where ever and don't clean it up.
Yeah, three pairs of shoes ruined.
Germany, a definite must go. THEY HAVE NO DRINKING AGE! its a-mazing.
Italy was great to! We went on "vacation" in greece. Its fantastic there too!
Then Portugal is great if you like bugs and really hot weather.
Yeah, the best part is, I dont have to go to school...well NOW I do but I didnt, so I could go anywhere, and when my parents died they left MILLIONS of dollars(investments on google), so yes, travel is a big thumbs up for me.
♥ Thunder.
I missed u too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
might be going to Venice next year!!!
Ah, Venice, I loved it there.
You know, America has a lot of this that other sountries don't,
but it will never be as beautiful as the rest of the world.
Seriously, all of the time I go by this little space of open land, or forest, and the next time I see it, its gone, and houses are there or a mini mall.
sometimes I just don't understand.
How have you been doing?
people are just too destructive!!!!!
it makes me angry to think that we have such a beautiful planet but we're killing it instead of looking after it!!
i'm good.
how've you been doing?
I completely understand.
I'm actually known for yelling at people for not recycling or litering or building houses...
yes, I'm known as "the hippie in plaid"
(I wear plaid with every outfit)
ha, okay this made me laugh.
here you are ranting:
people are just too destructive!!!!!
it makes me angry to think that we have such a beautiful planet but we're killing it instead of looking after it!!
and then you say this:
i'm good.
how've you been doing?
it just made me laugh.
i ranted about earth to you and if you go through my other posts you'll see why ok.
and then ink asked how i was so i said:
i'm good...
how are you?
but if you just looked at it i suppose it's a bit funny...
but don't laugh at the problems on earth because they're very serious!
i'm ranting again... sorry
Oh, I wasnt laughing at the issues, its just kind of funny, the way its all written. I completely understand ranting. Once you get me on a subject you can't get me off.
See! ^
yes, crazy.
yeah it is funny...
one moment i'm ranting the next i'm asking how ink is...
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