I vant to drink yer bloood :P
Anyway, so I tried to go into college today even though I'm not feeling well..
One of the TA's noticed that I was paler than usual and went up to the teacher to tell her that I didn't look well.. So the teacher comes over and askes me, "Are you feeling ok? What wrong?" so I tell her that I've got sinusitice (I'm not sure that's how it's spelt) and she looks at me and, "Oh, yes you can see it.." points to my cheek to explain to the TA and continues "You've got cheeks like a hamster.." I'm guessing she means that my cheecks are slightly swolen due to the sinusitice... :P So anyway she sends me home cause I'm not well.. :P
It was so strange... <.< I don't think I've every had someone point out that simtom of the flu/virus thing before... :P
So, yeah.. Today started off really strange..
Oh and more importantly it's my mum's Birthday!
She's going out with her work buddies today and on Saturday were having a party at the house! :D
Hope you're all having a great time! :D
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Day three!
And it's still me! :P

So yeah.. I think I'm a little addicted to FooPets :P
Oh and I've started a picture! :D
I'm not sure if I want to add colour to it or not.. Here it is:

I know.. It's weird isn't it?? >.<'
I did alright with the front bit but then the back gets small.. What do you think?
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Keeping up with my goal! :P
Man! I haven't been feeling very well lately! :(

I've had a headache since last friday that just won't let up! :/
On the plus side, I've been home from school! :D
Oh, yeah! On Saterday night I got to go see the new Alice in Wonderland movie!! ^_^
It was AWESOME! My favourite character is the Mad Hatter!! :P

Anyone else seen it? :D
Monday, 8 March 2010
Wow, it's hard to get on here everyday! But I will try from now on! :)
Well recently I've been doing quite a lot of drawing, and I've started writing my horror novel. :)
I'm thinking of maybe making a blog and posting a few chapters, what do you think? :)
Oh, yeah! I got to go to South Africa over the December holiday! It was really fun!
As december is their Summer, I got to go swimming a lot and we went to the beach like nearly everyday! It was so fun!
Except for the part where I got a sun burn on my back... <.<' hehe. Guess I shouldn't have layed in the sun for so long! :P
Anyone still on here? :)
How've you guys all been?? :)
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