Monday, 8 October 2007
this is random and maybe to you a bit werd...
Watch out for adds on charity, any adds based on helping people, depraved, abused even deseased and disabled people...
and then look out for adds on charities for depraved, abused, deseased and disabled animals...
I know it sounds like a wierd thing to ask but please do and then tell me which (between people and animals) has more adds, which one is more promoted...
(i was gonnaput two pics but i can't... some wierd error thingy...)
*loads of hugs*
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Camping was Great!!!!!!!

me and Alana found this beautiful lake and desided to take the others to see it. SillyPopSoda, Alana and i roller bladed there while the others walked.

Some scenery pics that i took...

some pics my mom took....

from the left: my cousin Luke, my sister becs, and me Wings.
missed you all!!
Monday, 20 August 2007
you can call me crazy! but this is what i thought last night...
the point is that; even though i'm not controling it during those times; it is still busy doing something....
after i thought about that i moved my hand, i wiggled my fingers and then i thought; Wow, i mean i barely have to think about moving my hand to make it move...
then i had a strange thought is it really me controling my hand or is it my brain and if it's my brain; am i really controling it?
because i know i don't have control of my brain; not completely...
so are we really in control of what we do?
and when you laugh are you really the one making that laughter cause it comes out whether or not you want it to; you can muffle it with your hand or bite your lip to try and stop it; but do you really control it?...
i have had many thoughts that were and are to complicated for me to understand; but i won't stop trying to figure them out....
Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Check this is a pic I took last time we went camping, we visited Stone Henge...
to bad they don't let people go up close to the stones, I had to zoom in on them with the camra, wish i could of touched one, we got these info things to carry around it tolds us about Stone Henge and the myths and legonds some of them are really funny XD...
Well we're going camping from this Saturday till text Saturday!!
Will miss you all!!!!!!
Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Saturday, 28 July 2007
lots of love and kisses to my home girl wings only joking dw
that was SillyPopSoda, she my friend that i finally got to blog(she really likes bloging)... well she has another blog now...
she really likes cheese! LoL
but you'll see that if you visit her blogs...
Ps. You should deffinitly visit all the blogs under the title Great Blogs!
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
A thought... well actualy acouple thoughts...
Well we don't have those problems (unless you're short sighted, colour blind or just plain blind)... But anyway, most of us can see for miles around and all the colours...
I don't know what you guys believe, but I believe that we get what we need to survive, and I’m talking about us not our fancy cars, or big/small houses and whatever else there is..., I'm talking about US...
We were given or evolved the ability to see the way we see...
We are able to see the beauty in the world but we just don't seem to really look at it, instead we destroy it!
I'm not talking about the beauty you can take a picture of...
True beauty has to be seen through YOUR eyes...

The true beauty I’m talking about can not be captured in film and it shouldn't be!
This amazing beauty should be able to run wild across/through the Earth and should be seen by all eyes!
We are able to see it in and around everyone and everything!
But we never look at it!
And that is truly sad!
We can each see beauty, and each in our own way!
So why do we destroy it instead of looking at it?
Are we afraid that when we finally see this beauty that we'll be disappointed with what it is we see?

Please... Please...
Share your thoughts don't hold anything back...
you won't be judged unfairly on your opinion...
because it's what you think, everybody has an opinion, and there is always truth in an opinion!
I will not judge you wrongly by your comment and neither should anyone else!
Because it's your opinion(s) and you have a right to say it/them!
Friday, 20 July 2007
The Park

Friday, 13 July 2007

We all have voices it's time people started listening to ours!
If one of us can make a difference that can change 100 lives how many lives would you be able to change if there were just ten more people with you?
Come on make a difference!
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Incredible Animals!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Save Earth!! Save Earth!! Save Earth!!

Ten of US can make an even bigger difference...There are over 6676871265 and counting, people in the world...if one of US can make a difference can you even imagin the difference 6676871265 and rising amount of people can make..?
Every second it took for you to read that a new child was being born, EVERY SECOND...
I believe: we can all make a difference wether anyone wants to admit it or not...
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
My strange dream

Thursday, 14 June 2007
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Save Earth!! Save Earth!!

Monday, 11 June 2007
Global Warming
The heat is being trapped by a smog which is made by burning fossil fuels.
What are the effects of Global Warming?
- Ice caps are melting.
- The sea level is rising.
- Low lying lands are being covered with water.
- Deserts are expanding.
- Coral reefs are dying.
- Sencative plants die.
- The ozone layer is breaking up.

What can We do to save our world?
- Stop polluting it with burning fossil fuels.
- Use solar power, hydro power and any power that doesn't give off waste.
- Use public transport instead of separate cars.
- Use biodegradebale stuff.
- Use low energy light bulbs.
- Share bath water or shower instead of bathing.
- Fart less.
- Recycle rubish.
- Plant more trees.